It's night one of the so called weekend of champions. The ROH/CZW war continues and all three champions are defending their belts, should be a good show.
Jimmy Jacobs vs Colt Cabana
They start out with comedy but Jacobs turns it nasty by pulling Colt into the ring post. The basics of the match are that Colt is awesome and if Jimmy Jacobs didn’t have pink tights he’d be instantly forgettable. Colt wins meaning Lacey is going to sack off young Jimmy.
Jay Fury & Spud vs Irish Airborne
Spud (the better looking, younger and cleaner Spike Dudley) is making his debut here in ROH and his main act is a few spinny high spots whilst screaming a lot the rest of the time. It actually turned out to be a decent little match with Irish Airborne getting the victory and seemingly a push in this company.
Super Dragon runs from the emergency exit and attacks an ROH ring crew dude; legging it before the ROH army get to him.
Nigel McGuiness cuts a fun little promo saying he’ll beat Daniels tonight and Danielson tomorrow night proving he’s the best wrestler in the world. I really like his promos because he cuts them as an Englishman, not an Englishman trying to do an American promo.
Jimmy Rave w/Daizee Haize vs Delirious
My god this match is boring. Jimmy Rave is so boring when he’s on offence. I love Delirious but even he can’t save this match. Fifteen minutes ticks over on the clock and we reach a time limit draw. Thank god it wasn’t an hour time limit.
ROH Pure Championship: Nigel McGuiness vs Christopher Daniels
No Alison Danger with the fallen angel tonight as he challenges Nigel for the pure title. They have a fine little match and I love Nigel as a heel, he was doing all of Danielson’s spots here to setup their match tomorrow; awesome. Nigel and Daniels brawl outside and Nigel gets the win by throwing the photographer into Daniels at nineteen meaning he can’t meet the twenty count. The crowd chant bullshit but this is goof heat not bad heat. I love Nigel.
ROH World Championship: “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs Jimmy Yang
Yang isn’t a redneck tonight and is wearing the same white tights he wore at Wrestlemania 20. Watching this match makes you realise that Danielson is actually very small, smaller than Yang. I guess that’s why WWE isn’t begging him to come in and it’s the reason I hope he doesn’t ever go. Selfish I know. They have another good little match, it’s not the main event so it doesn’t matter too much but Yang is a decent worker and what they do is fine. Danielson eventually wins with a crossface chickenwing Bob Backlund would be proud of.
ROG Tag Team Championship: Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs Matt Sydal & Samoa Joe
Yes Sydal teams with Joe. The story is Sydal wants a title in ROH and is in a competitive rivalry with Generation Next. Last week he had AJ as his partner and this week it’s Joe. The match starts off pretty boring as the man of a thousand moves Matt Sydal does a lot of his moves. Eventually Team Sydal turn kind of heel and get the heat. Sydal is a bad heel, he handles the moves where Joe handles the psychology. Eventually Aries gets the hot tag to Strong and a short comeback ensues. Now it’s Aries and Strong’s turn to get the heat. Sydal is much better at selling as the babyface in distress and Aries and Strong are pretty good on offence. We get another hot tag and Joe cleans house until he’s taken out and a bunch of nearfalls happen in the ring with Aries, Strong and Sydal. Joe makes a second comeback and they get a damn good nearfall with a standing moonsault by Sydal. But Joe gets taken out again and the half nelson backbreaker – 450 combo put out Sydal. In the end this turned out to be a damn good little match.
Joe is in the ring alone and calls out CZW. Necro Butcher obliges and they start to brawl. Super Dragon and Nate Webb hit the ring to make it three on one to CZW but Colt Cabana and Ace steel even things up. Joe drags Necro to the back only to be tied up by Webb meaning he’s out of the brawl. Claudio hits the ring to give further advantage to CZW but BJ Whitmer broken neck and all cleans house with a chair and Adam Pearce evens things up. A mass brawl ensues with tons of crowd brawling and Pearce giving Nate a piledriver on the concrete. Back in the ring Necro slams Ace on a chair and covers him for a two count! THIS IS A MATCH? It would appear so who are the competitors? I guess Necro and Nate are and it appears Super Dragon and BJ are as another two count happens between these two. Is BJ booked in this match considering he’s meant to be out with a broken neck? At least they’re not doing a normal tag match now like they would in TNA. Super Dragon, Claudio and BJ tease a spot where Dragon will break BJ’s neck with a chair that Claudio holds in place. Ace breaks it up once and Colt the second time but they eventually hit it and it doesn’t actually look that brutal. Claudio picks up BJ and hits him with Joe’s muscle buster for the pin setting up their match tomorrow. CZW win again.
Overall this show was pretty damn good, especially the second half. For the second show on the trot they’ve done the brawl in the main event and it works. It’s one big fight with guys doing spots and taking crazy bumps but the heat is off the charts. The booking is prefect throughout this whole card; Nigel winning to face Danielson in a title for title match, Sydal just missing out again and CZW winning so we want to see ROH kick their arses. Good, good stuff and I’m looking forward to watching night 2.
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