Monday, September 11, 2006

X-Pac, the nWo and Kanyon

The deal with X-Pac is that his apperance at the house show on Friday was a one time thing. He is currently working with the MTV promotion which is set to start and Vampiro's RXLL which debuted last week. Despite Vince wanting to rewind to 1998 it seems that young Sean Waltman isn't part of the plan. Then again, Vince's plans change by the half hour so you never know.

Kanyon's apperance was off his own back. In order to stick it to Vince he bought a ticket for the show, made some signs at home and turned up to the show. This man is so desperate for a job anywhere and is trying to get the Internet on his side. Sorry kid it just ain't working.

As for the nWo they're not coming in. Nash is trying to get himself back into the company but Nash's drawing days are well behind him and is workrate days never were so I'd be surprised if Vince wanted him back. The nWo angle has been discussed and shot down many a time and it probably won't happen. As I said before about Vince's plans, you never know.

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