Saturday, October 07, 2006

Raw thought it was in a war

Well I've got roundto watching Raw and it was a pretty good episode. Granted without the sweet main event it would have blown big time but considering the main should be the best thing on the show it was no problem at all. The show was given the big time feel because of UFC on the other channel. Apparently UFC sucked so efforts were wasted but I'm not complaining.

John Cena and Edge work really well together. I wasn't a big fan of their matches at the start of the year but since they've been feuding this time around they've been great together. The interferance had to happen with it being on free TV and I've got no problem with it at all because it's promoting feuds for the next Raw PPV.

Carlito and Orton has to continue. Their matches are OK but it's not like I'm thinking I can't wait for Carlito to finally beat Orton. I'm waiting for the fued to end.

What about the angle for Kane and Umaga? I missed it to. Next week's show has Kane vs Umaga in a Kane leaves Raw for a brief while match. If you didn't know he's taking a break from the business.

Snitsky still has a job.

The DX malarcy with Coach backstage was too hockey for my liking. It went on too long and was trying to be too serious so as a wacky skit it failed. Although the Chris Masters 'how to loose fifty pounds in four weeks' deal was great. He's fired.

Does Bischoff just hang around at Raw tapings? I thought he got fired.

Men in cheerleader outfits is not funny and is so 1997. That's why this was put in there. DX aren't cool anymore they're just goofs.

We have a new IC champion in Jeff Hardy. I have no problem with this whatsoever because somehow Hardy and Nitro have been having some great matches and by the looks of things this feud is continuing.

Overall this was a good episode of Raw that built to a great main event and I always enjoy a Raw that follows that formula.

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