Thursday, August 31, 2006

Take Note Vince, UFC Have Really Got Something Here

I'm not a huge fan of MMA (I prefer my sports fake) but as I follow the wrestling business it's hard not to see the rise in popularity of UFC.

UFC gets less viewers than WWE (in America, not always in the UK) but is doing huge numbers on their PPV show. December's PPV which will see Chuck Liddell take on Tito Ortiz (the man may I add) and buy rates are estimated at 1,250,000!

Vince never reached that. Bischoff never reached that. Heyman certainly never reached that. TNA? Don't make me laugh!

Estimations state that UFC through the promotion of two key matches on each show are encouraging 25% of their audience to part with their money for a PPV. WWE is currently persuading around 5% of their audience to buy their PPVs.

Considering WWE can actually determine the outcome of their matches and create stars themselves, they're doing a really bad job at it. UFC on the otherhand are creating their stars and doing a fantastic job of it.

By pushing two matches on a card and making us care about them UFC is doing a great job. WWE on the other hand are stuck on a treadmill pounding out the same old stale stuff week after week. It's hard to care about anything right now in that company as rather than making us care, stuff just happens.

WWE haven't realesed PPV numbers since May. Let me tell you, there's a very good reason for this: UFC are whipping they're arse.

Take note Vince. Please.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Raw Thoughts

Raw was somewhat disapointing this week. They had two angles that were pretty hot last week in Cena/Edge and Foley/Melina but they didn't really do anything with them this week. For some reason the McMahon (Helmsleys) are all over this show. Can't think why.

Cena and Edge, despite being a feud over the most important title in wrestling today got nothing on this show. TLC was announced for Unforgiven and at least they actually did an angle for the match rather than the usual announcment.

Chris Masters has been to rehab if you couldn't tell. the contrast between his body in his video and in real life was a stark contrast.

The most boring feud on the planet continued with the McMahons and DX. Shane had the best line of the show "you guys need to grow up." You can say that again. The main event was decent for the time it got and seeing Finlay and Regal on a decent show is always good. They're really pushing the boat at at Unforgiven with hell in a cell and TLC. It makes sense to finish this feud in the cage but it's going to be one big cluster. Adding Big Show isn't going to really make this any better but at least it's different. It makes me laugh how the ECW Champion is the guy to help the McMahons becuase everybody else on Raw sucks.

Did you know that Vince likes cock? Get some new material.

Nitro was decent on the mic. We've not had chance to hear him do much talking at all so this effort was pretty good. They needed to address the Foley situation and this was a fine way of doing it. I don't know if Foley will return to feud with Nitro or if this was just a way of turning Foley face before his next apperance. On another note Jeff Hardy vs Johnny Nitro could be fun if booked right.

Carlito continued his feud with Orton. They're doing an angle at least but both guys are cold at the moment. Talking of Carlito he is very pissed off at the moment as he felt he was reaching the main event but now he's stuck in a love storyline with Trish. Hate to say it Carlito but I hope you're not in many more main events.

Trish is retiring. It has now been announced so we all know how September's PPV goes. Great work booking team.

Mickie is a babyface now? Storyline development.

Spirit Squad are still tag champs if you didn't know. They also main evented a PPV two months ago.

There was a lot of references to made on this show. Maybe they now understand not every fan goes on that site.

Let me know what you thought of Raw or anyhting else going in the world of wrestling by emailing me at:

The Kurt Freakin Angle Story

OK, is shit. They want to be the news site for wrestling but, they can't decide if they're going to be inside or kayfabulous. They've reported that Angle left on mutual terms with WWE and he has had three injuries all sustained in one match with RVD. Not true.

The story goes pretty similar to what I wrote on Saturday when I heard. Angle came back from his thirty-day suspension without having made any effort to get off the pills. Last week he met with Vince he told him to go to rehab. Kurt refused. Kurt was released.

The fact of the matter is that Angle has a huge downside guarantee in his contract which sees him take home $1m guaranteed. He could have gone into rehab and taken as much time off as he wanted and recieved his pay. Plus as Vince does in these situations I'm pretty sure the cost of the rehab program would have been paid for by WWE.

However, the problem lies in Kurt Angle. Angle doesn't believe he has a problem (locker room reports say he is completely messed up) so won't go to rehab, guaranteed deal or not.

WWE have done the same deal in which they did with Eddie Guerrero; released him for his own good. The only problem is that Kurt Angle is a mahcine. He wrestled in the Olympics with serious neck problems and in the main event of Wrestlemania under the likelihood of paralysis or even death. There's a story which Angle tells in his book regading the death of his father. His Dad worked on a construction site and fell from some beams. He got up, walked to hospital where he was told he'd broken his neck, arm and leg. He later died in hospital. The day Kurt found out he played football and played the best game of his career.

See where he gets it from?

The sad fact is that Kurt Angle won't stop. Kurt Angle is a machine. In 90-days time I'd bet that Kurt Angle isn't in rehab. I bet that Kurt Angle will be signing on the dotted line with TNA. TNA are desperate for stars and Angle is a recognisable star. Most importantly for Angle, TNA don't drug test. The obvious fall in salary won't mean a thing to Kurt as long as he can compete.

The sad fact is that WWE's release of Kurt Angle is supposed to be for his own good. It's supposed to be for him to clean up his life and get himself sorted out. The first step Angle has to take is admit he has a problem. Here lies the first stumbling block. He won't. Whether Angle is employed or not, the likelihood is this is all ending in tragedy.

Prove me wrong Kurt. I beg you.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Unforgiven Plans Looking Good

As far as we know the Raw plans for Unforgiven will see Edge and Cena on top in a TLC match. I'm perfectly happy with that as I'm liking Cena in his current spot and Edge is great as champion.

Last weeks Raw looked like DX vs Vince and Shane was to continue (boring) and I haven't watched this weeks episode so can't comment on proccedings until tonight. If the plan is to keep Hunter and Shawn together for the forseeable future then they're going to be pretty much stuck. It's not even like they can go after the tag belts as they've destroyed the Spirit Squad that many times it's gotten boring and there are no other teams on Raw who are worth the feud. They can continue working together on TV no problem but they need to be doing something different. If Edge retains after Unforgiven I'd like to see him work with Shawn again as they've had good matches in the past and working with Shawn will only add to Edge's credibility.

As for other matches on the card it looks like Kane vs Umaga, Spirit Squad vs Highlanders, Carlito vs Orton and Hardy vs Nitro. Looking like a great PPV hey?

I'll have more to talk about tommorow when I've been able to watch Raw.

Monday, August 28, 2006

More than meets the eye

There seems to be far more to Kurt Angle's release than what is letting us into. It's obvious that Angle has been asked to sort his problems with pain pills out but he has refused to do so but there is talk of there being a lot more to it.

There have been reports that Kurt has been very vocal in the ECW locker room about matches, both his own and others. Apparently this was common with him on Smackdown, but because he was Kurt fucking Angle nobody cared. However as there are a number of new faces in the ECW lockeroom a number of comments have been made about his practices.

Although obviosuly this isn't grounds for a firing it could well be one of the reasons why Angle has gone.

When I get my copy of the Observer and Figure Four I'll post more about the situation and what I think.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


In a huge story, has announced that WWE have officially released Kurt Angle. This is a huge shock to me and everybody out there.

Angle has had may documented issues with prescription drugs and has only recently returned from a 30-day suspension. It was well-known that upon his return he was still relying on the medication and had done little to help himself.

WWE took him from TV last week and he didn't appear at Summerslam or on this weeks episode of ECW. Last night he was released.

It would seem that WWE are releasing Kurt Angle for his own good (much like they did with Eddie Guerrero in 2001) as competing in the ring is becoming more and more dangerous for the olympic gold medalist. This is a drastic decision by WWE as Kurt Angle could well be (and probably will be) picked up by TNA and make apperances in other indy feds.

Obviously Kurt wouldn't be making as much money as his WWE deal but the fewer dates could be a god send to him. Of course this could have been done to send a shock to Angle and get him to clean himself up. It's a course of action which worked with Eddie Guerrero and William Regal but Angle is a very stubborn character and has been forthcoming in accepting help in the past.

Vince McMahon has given many a second chance (see Hardy, Jeff) and I'm sure Kurt Angle will be given the smae treatment as everybody else. The question lies on whether Kurt Angle will allow himself to be given a second chance.

I'll be following this story very closley so please keep checking back for more news and thoughts on the situation.

Email me yout thoughts here.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Three new divas signed... don't ask me who

After whatsaface won the diva search some more have now been signed. In fact three more have been signed. I don't know which ones and to be honest I don't really care.

Here's the problem with the current crop of divas: they're just too normal. Every single one of them is hot but, it's nothing I couldn't see by taking a walk into my town centre. The divas used to be over because they were something special. They used to have personsality and be sexy, they used to be untouchable.

I know that when I turned on my TV I would see not a girl but a woman. A woman who was untouchable, a woman who I wouldn't be able to pull in a thousand years; a Sable, a Debra, a Miss Elizabeth. These days if I wanted an Ashley I could walk down the street and happily chat away to a 'girl next door' with no worries at all.

Look at the example of Trish Stratus. When she first came on the scene in 2000 she was untouchable. She wore her short skirts and cowboy hats and I would have given anything to be with her. These days she comes to the ring in jeans and a top, probably what she's had on all day. I'd still give my back teeth to be with her but she doesn't have that x factor any longer.

These women used to be something out of this world, now they're nameless faces. Good luck to the three new divas. See you at the dole office in twelve months.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Too Cool v2

With DX back, Jeff Hardy returning and even Tatanka being a permanent fixture on the Smackdown roster WWE are attempting to return to the glory days of old. Accoriding to the Observer Too Cool are going to be revived. Rikishi and Grandmaster Sexay will both be brought back and TNA star Ron Killings (who has asked for his release) is thought to be on the verge of signing to join the stable.

Will Too Cool be able to dance their way back into the hearts of today's young wrestling fans? I have to admit to liking Too Cool back in 2000 and they could freshen up a very boring Smackdown. They're not going to set the place alight but they could be fun for a while at least.

In an unrealted note, Attitude era favourite and former European Champion Mideon will not be returning to the company.

Raw Thoughts

Raw was pretty decent this week. The Edge/Cena feud is really hotting up. This is the side of Cena which many people have been begging for all throughout his run last year. It's good to see what he can do when he is chasing and Edge is such a great heel that Cena looks like a star.

Jeff Hardy's return was rather random and they've put him over strong in his almost-win over Edge (although the finish was messed up). This has been done with Hardy before in his matches with Hunter in 2001 and Taker in 2002. The problem lies in the fact that they don't do anything with him after that. He could easyily move into a program with Johnny Nitro over the IC belt and out some fresh energy into the stale Carlito, Shelton, Nitro mid-card.

It never ends. The DX/McMahon feud must continue and it must continue with an angle that was actually shot weeks ago. With both Vince and Hunter involved in this angle it must of course be billed as the main event of every show, but it certainly doesn't deserve to be there. The faces won on Sunday so why do they need to carry on tormenting the heels? Give me a reason why DX are doing this to the McMahons and it might interest me a little.

What makes it OK to not let the live (5,000 people) crowd know you've been broken but allow four million people at home to know?

Foley's face turn was probably a good thing because as good a heel as he is, crowds weren't booing him because he is Mick Foley. Whether he'll be off TV now or whether an angle will be made of the Melina betrayl we will have to wait and see.

It looks like Randy Orton will be moving from Hulk Hogan, arugably the biggest star in wrestling history to Carlito arguably the most unmotivated guy on the roster. Yay.

If Orton pinned Flair decisivley how can the ref reverse the decision to a Flair win? Surely the match should have been restarted?

The Spirit Squad are being jobbed out. They were beaten last week by Eugene and Hacksaw, were anhilated by DX (again) at Summerslam and the Highlanders beat them on Monday. They're not even getting an entrance these days so it looks like they're finished on Raw possibly after Unforgiven when they loose tag belts, or possibly even sooner.

Kane is going to be feuding with Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer has to go over in this one.

Despite both women leaving the company it looks like Trish will take on Lita for the Women's title in the near future (it has to be in the very near future). Trish is slated to leave in September when she gets married so may take on Lita in a loser leaves town match with Lita going over. Lita is scheduled until November time so I'd expect a similar deal with her around that time. Of course both women may just disappear from TV such is the usual course WWE take.

Overall the show was decent with Edge and Cena grabbing all the right strings to move their feud along. The DX stuff is getting stale but a few more angles are being pursued and that can't be a bad thing.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Looking for a Loan?

If you're looking to raise a bit of cash then why not borrow from the Nature Boy himself?

Ric Flair Finance is the single greatest website I think I have ever seen.

Money advice from a guy who spent more than he made for the first twenty years of his carrer and is taking bumps every night at sixty years of age to pay off the tax man. WOOOOO!


The much anticipated (ha) December ECW PPV has been officially announced and officially named. What is it to be called? DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER! You get it right? November To Remember so this is December To... you get it. The PPV takes place from the Augusta-Richmond Civic Center in Augusta, Georgia on December 3rd. Mark it on your calenders kids.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Summerslam Results

I watched the first three matches on the Summerslam PPV last night and upto now I have to say it's shaping up to be a good PPV.

For the love of Eddie - Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero
Very good opener for the first part of the match. Like I said; Chavo is really good when he is in there with a Rey Mysterio. Plenty of high flying, plenty of good comebacks from Rey but the only problem is the angle. The crowd didn't really know what to think and how to react so it never got the reaction it could have done had this angle been based around Chavo's jealousy of Rey winning the World Title, not Eddie. The interference of Vickie Guerrero really took away from what would have been a solid match if they weren't fighting over the love of a dead man.

ECW Championship - Sabu vs Big Show
What you'd expect. Nothing stand out just Sabu bumping all over the place and Big Show being a giant. In usual Sabu mode he botched a few spots and was generally sloppy, I love it when Styles andTazz try and cover for him. The finish was good with Big Show chokeslamming Sabu through the table set up on the steps.

Hulk Hogan vs Randy Orton
Surprising that this match was where it was on the card. Then again it was the way it should be; there's no way Hogan and Orton could have gone twenty minutes. Usual Hogan (and Orton match) with Hogan overpowering Orton and Randy having to revert to the knee to get any heat. Hogan was well protected taking only two minor bumps (RKO and dropick) and considering he'll get the biggest payoff of the evening he's obviously done alright for himself. There's two ways that this can go now a) Orton gets a rematch, they build up a good angle (possibly involving Brooke) and Orton pins Hogan or b) the feud ends, Orton plays up that he beat Hogan and makes the audience believe that he did and is on his level of stardom. Whichever way they go the feud has to elevate Orton rather than inflate Hogan's ego.

Right, I've watched the rest of Summerslam and to be honest it was quite a boring show.

I Quit Match - Mick Foley vs Ric Flair
This match was somewhat disapointing, I was expecting a classic but in reality it was just another match. The stuff they did to each other was pretty brutal and looked really good but it just felt like a spot-fest. I liked the way they ended the match and Flair demanded to carry on showing his hatred for Foley but the finish was somewhat undecisive. I plead for these two legends to given thirty minutes on the next Raw PPV and let them have the classic they deserve.

World Heavyweight Championship - King Booker vs Big Dave Batista
Batista has lost two steps since being out for eight months and his confidence has gone since the Hammerstein Incident the other week. It's a shame because when he was working with Eddie last year he was just starting to look really good. Batista couldn't do anything right tonight, he botched a spinebuster having to drop Booker on the ropes instead, nearly dropped him on his head doing a jackhammer and needed some assistance in getting Booker up for the Batista bomb. Booker tired his hardest and looked good for the most part but Dave couldn't get anything out of the big man. The finish was fine although I would have thought of something more imaginative than the Sharmell interferance. Putting the belt on Big Dave at this stage would be monsterous considering his in-ring and the fact that Booker is the best thing on Smackdown at the moment.

DX vs The McMahons
I liked the 10 man 'beatdown' on DX at the start of the match at least it makes it more realistic that the heels can get the heat on one man. Pretty well booked in the fact that Vince and Shane weren't in there too long and the match didn't go too long. I liked the finish but the match itself wasn't anything to write home about. This feud should end right here. I doubt it will, but it should.

WWE Championship - John Cena vs Edge w/Lita
Surprisingly good. They got the crowd into the comebacks and near falls at the end of the match. Both men worked very hard and this was the best match these two have had together. The crowd would have popped huge had Cena won the belt but it was right for business keeping the title on Edge allowing him to go into the next PPV in his hometown as champ.

Overall, I wasn't impressed with this PPV. It was decent but it could have been a lot better than it was with some creative booking before the actual show allowing the crowd to get into it a bit more. Cena/Edge was the best match on the card and Rey/Chavo would have been close behind if it wasn't for the bullshit finish.

Monday, August 21, 2006

TNA Pictures

I went to Flordia last month and happened to stumble upon a little promotion called TNA. You might not have heard of them because they aren't having much impact (get it - impact) on the wrestling world. But I went there and it was pretty good. The hardcore fans think they're so smart but in reality they know jack shit. The Impact Zone is tiny, holding only like 800 people and the part behind the camera is actually empty. They do a fine job of hiding how small this place is on TV.

It was a fun night and I saw Joe, Christian, Steiner (me love me some Scotty), JJ, Sting, Rhyno, Monty Brown, AJ, Daniels and the rest of the TNA crew. There weren't any particularly stand out matches although Joe and Rhyno had a fun little brawl. Speaking of Rhyno, in that crowd he is the most over guy; even more so than Joe which surprised the hell out of me. Eric Young is also over as hell. Mainly because he has personality unlike everybody else on the roster.

Having been to the show, it's obvious TNA's problem is that they are simply not making a name for themselves. They have no stars, no main eventers, just one big huge mid-card where everybody is on the same level. Some clever booking, a few big name signings, moving out of Orlando (at least for PPVs) and a shit hot character (JOE!) could see TNA make some Impact!

Here's some pictures from the tapings:

Joe challenges Rhyno.

Rhyno and Joe brawl.

Joe has to be pulled back from the man beast.

Showtime teams with the New Age Ou... sorry The James Gang.

The new tag champs make their way to the ring.

Me and legendary manager Jimmy Hart.

End of an era... kind of

At twenty episodes, I'm saying goodbye to the podcast. With little time to post anything of decent proportions, I'm bowing out. It's been fun doing it and I thank everybody who has taken the time to email me in the past with their thoughts and comments.

I'm hoping to continue to post on the blog with a few pieces that I'm going to get around to writing, so please continue to check back on a regular basis to read them. I'm a frequent poster over on The Oratory, one of the best message boards regarding wrestling out there and I'll be posting my columns in their forum. You can contact me through there (paul_robson is my user name), my emailing me:

If you're after wrestling podcasts may I recommend to you home of the Figure Four Weekly Newsletter. Death of WCW (awesome book) author Bryan Alvarez hosts a daily radio show with guests such as Dave Meltzer, Homicide, Lance Storm, Mike Tenay and a whole host of others and you get the weekly newsletter for only $6.95 per month.

Thanks for all the contributions and positive feedback I've recieved and I hope you all enjoyed the ride.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Summerslam Lineup

Summerslam airs tonight on PPV (for those of you who may have forgotten), the card:

Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero
I'm sure this will be a fine match as Rey is awesome and Chavo can be good when working with a Rey Mysterio. The problem lies in the fact that I don't give two shits about the match.

World Championship - Booker T vs Batista
Another bad feud with no substance to it at all. Ideally Booker T wins via screwiness allowing Bid Dave to chase him to No Mercy. Therefore expect Batista to get his belt back.

Randy Orton vs Hulk Hogan
This could have sold the PPV. Instead a terrible build up has made this match very cold indeed. Who wants to see a match based on the fact Hogan 'beat up' fake Hogan. Further lazy booking by WWE. A Hogan win is the only answer here.

ECW Championship - Sabu vs Big Show
Could be really good or dire depending if extreme rules are in play. Expect Big Show to win and have RVD chase him to ECW PPV.

I Quit Match - Mick Foley vs Ric Flair
The BEST thing on this show. This will be great. The build has been really good for this one and is easily the hottest angle on the show. Unlike the Hogan/Orton match neither guy wants to win! Foley think Flair is god and Flair doesn't need the win. Considering both guys have legitamate heat, they're both being really nice about this. I predict a Flair win as he is the babyface.

DX vs The McMahons
What are they feuding about again? Nothing. Cold, cold, cold. DX win.

WWE Championship - Edge vs John Cena
Got hot too late to sell a huge number of PPVs. Edge and Cena are the hottest guys on Raw for the younger market, but they've been pushed behind DX in the pecking order. Should be a solid encounter where Edge needs to screw Cena out of the title, a nice long chase for Cena will sell some future PPVs. However, as we're in Cena's hometown, expect Cena to win and Edge to regain next month under TLC rules.

The PPV is typical of WWE booking, a solid card on paper but going into it the feeling is very lukewarm. In reality, this could be booked as one of the hottest cards of recent times but bad build and some of the time even a lack of build have caused me not to care. When it's over, I'm sure it will have been a good PPV but if I was a casual fan I'd be saving my money.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

ROH in Liverpool

I went to see Ring of Honor in Liverpool last night and my god what a show it was. People rave about ROH and how good it is; now I understand why. It was a solid card from top to bottom with stand out performances from Colt Cabana, Matt Sydel and Davey Richards.

Austin Aries and Roderick Strong put their tag belts on the line in a tremendous match against the Briscoes. This was awesome. Best match of the night has to go to Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuiness in a Pure vs World Championship match. Danielson is a great heel and McGuiness' comeback after getting his face smashed into the ring post five times and beating the twenty count was one of the greatest live moments I've witnessed. Danielson eventually won when the Londoner passed out winning the Pure title from McGuiness.

All I can say is, buy the DVD!